%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE THE LANGUAGE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% You might need to remove this part to generate it using PHP later on.
%\englishtrue % Show English text only
\englishfalse % will show French text only
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE THE VISIBILITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% if you want to display your private informations, comment the following line.
% you might need to comment it out if you want to handle this with PHP later on.
\title{Curriculum vit\ae}
\author{Etienne Molinier}
\date{Novembre 2015}
%% Standard packages
% Change spacing of dections and subsections
%\titlespacing{command}{left spacing}{before spacing}{after spacing}[right]
\titlespacing\section{0pt}{12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt}{5pt plus 2pt minus 3pt}
\titlespacing\subsection{10pt}{10pt plus 2pt minus 4pt}{0pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}
% Change the page margins
%\setlength{\textheight}{9.5in} % increase text height to fit on 1-page
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEFINE YOUR ADDRESS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Set coordinates depending on public or not
% You can run this command to obtain the public version :
% pdflatex "\def\ispublic{1} \input\{resume.tex}"
\def \email {webmaster@emolinier.com}
\def \address {Region Rh\^{o}ne-Alpes Auvergne}
\def \telephone {http://wiki.emolinier.com/etienne\textunderscore molinier}
\def \email {here goes your private @email}
\def \address {here goes your private postal address}
\def \telephone {Tel : here goes your private phone number}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULATE THE AGE OF THE PERSON %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ifthenelse{\the\day < PutYourDayOfBirthHere}{\addtocounter{MyAge}{-1}}{}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULATE THE TOTAL WORK EXPERIENCE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def \WorkStartYear {2010}
\def \WorkStartMonth {10}
\def \WorkStartDay {01}
\ifthenelse{\the\day < 01}{\addtocounter{WorkDurationYears}{-1}}{}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CALCULATE THE DURATION OF CURRENT EMPLOYMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def \JobStartYear {2013}
\def \JobStartMonth {01}
\def \JobStartDay {02}
\def \PMstartYear {2011}
\def \PMstartMonth {03}
\def \PMstartDay {28}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PAGE SETTINGS & SHORTCUTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\agrave {\`{a}}
\def\egrave {\`{a}}
\def\eaigu {\'{e}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STRUCTURE OF A WORK EXPERIENCE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% It has 6 parameters that are ALL MANDATORY except the Client :
% 1 - Year of the experience (start)
% 2 - Duration of the experience
% 3 - Employer (company)
% 4 - Client (CAN BE EMPTY, useful when emplyer is providing services)
% 5 - Role during employment
% 6 - Location
\subsection{#1 - \textit{#2} \textsf : \textbf #3\textsf , \textbf #4 \textsf #5 \textsf in #6}
\subsection{#1 - \textit{#2} \textsf : \textbf #3\textsf , \textbf #4 \textsf \agrave\ #6}
\subsection{#1 - \textit{#2} \textsf : \textbf #3\textsf , \textbf #4 \textsf for \textbf #5 \textsf in #6}
\subsection{#1 - \textit{#2} \textsf : \textbf #3\textsf , \textbf #4 \textsf pour \textbf #5 \textsf \agrave\ #6}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STARt OF THE DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}% Disable Section numbering
%%%% Title and address %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\leavevmode\hbox to \textwidth{
\Huge{Etienne Molinier}\\
\small\theMyAge{} ans, Nationalit\'{e} Fran\c caise \\ \vspace{-1mm}
\small\address \\ \vspace{-1mm}
\small\telephone \\ \vspace{-1mm}
}\par \vspace{-3mm}
\noindent\rule{19cm}{0.4pt} % draw a horizontal line
\vspace{-8mm} % reduce vertical space to minimum
\section{\ifenglish EDUCATION \else FORMATION \fi}
\begin{tabular}{r l}
2010 & \ifenglish \textbf{Engineering degree in computer science at INSA}
\else Ing\'{e}nieur \textbf{INSA} Sp\'ecialit\'e Informatique \fi\\
2010 & \ifenglish One semester at \textbf{Dresden's University} (Germany)
\else Un semestre \`{a} l'\textbf{Universit\'{e} de Dresde} (Allemagne) \fi\\
2005-2007 & \ifenglish \textbf{Prep-school} at INSA in Lyon (France)
\else \textbf{Classe pr\'{e}paratoire} \`{a} l'INSA de Lyon \fi\\
2005 & \ifenglish \textbf{Baccalaureate} in Science \textbf{with distinction} (Bien) in Clermont-F$^d$
\else \textbf{Baccalaur\'{e}at Scientifique} mention \textbf{Bien} \`{a} Clermont-Ferrand \fi\\
2003 & \ifenglish \textbf{6 month} partner exchange in \textbf{Berlin} with Voltaire Program
\else \textbf{Echange de 6 mois \`{a} Berlin} avec le programme Voltaire \fi\\
\section{\ifenglish FOREIGN LANGUAGES \else LANGUES \fi} \vspace{-0mm}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\textbf{\ifenglish German \else Allemand \fi} & \ifenglish Fluent \else Bilingue \fi\\
\textbf{\ifenglish English \else Anglais \fi} & \ifenglish Fluent \else Bilingue \fi\\
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\textbf{\ifenglish French \else Fran\c cais \fi} & \textbf{\ifenglish Mother tongue \else langue maternelle\fi}\\
\ifenglish Spanish \else Espagnol \fi & \ifenglish Beginner \else D\'{e}butant \fi\\
\textsf : \theWorkDurationYears \ years of experience \footnotesize including \thePMdurationYears \ years and \thePMdurationMonths \ moths in Project Management
\textsf \theWorkDurationYears \ ans d'exp\'{e}rience \footnotesize dont \thePMdurationYears \ ans et \thePMdurationMonths \ mois en gestion de projet
\theJobDurationYears \ years and \theJobDurationMonths \ months
\theJobDurationYears \ ans et \theJobDurationMonths \ mois
{Wipro}{Project Manager}{Michelin}{Clermont-F$^d$}
Project Manager en charge de plusieurs projets, gestion d'une \'{e}quipe de 4 personnes. Planification, gestion des contributeurs, methodologie cycle en V et agile selon les projets. Participation \`{a} la mise en \oe uvre de la roadmap business sur un programme de construction \& deploiement d'un SI pour la qualite. \\
{\ifenglish 1 year and 9 months \else 1 ans et 9 mois\fi}
{Capgemini}{Project Manager}{Michelin}{Clermont-F$^d$}
Project Manager sur le projet "Outil Atterrissage" dans l'entit\'{e} DGSI/BS/GS de Michelin. Planification, gestion des contributeurs (GIC, IBM, ...), m\'{e}thodologie SQAforSI, analyse fonctionnelle, management d'un d\'{e}veloppeur, formation des utilisateurs europ\'{e}ens et nord-am\'{e}ricains.
{\ifenglish 2 months \else 2 mois\fi}
{Capgemini}{Consultant}{Lyonnaise des Eaux}{Paris}
Contact direct avec le client, conseils technique et s\'{e}curit\'{e}, chiffrage. Conception et r\'{e}alisation d'un module pour le CMS PHP Symfony : param\'{e}trage automatique de fonctionnalit\'{e}s avanc\'{e}es sur le serveur web Apache.
{\ifenglish 4 months \else 4 mois\fi}
Diverses missions : choix de prestataire pour application de covoiturage, propositions commerciales, preuves de concept, \'{e}volutions dans le cadre d'une TMA.
\ifenglish \def\QAassistantRole{Quality Asistant} \else \def\QAassistantRole{Assistant Qualit\'{e}}\fi
{\ifenglish 6 months \else 6 mois\fi}{eDarling}{\QAassistantRole}{}{Berlin}
D\'{e}veloppement du d\'{e}partement qualit\'{e} : mise en place de la m\'{e}thodologie et des processus pour garantir la qualit\'{e} sur le long terme tout en retirant des b\'{e}n\'{e}fices imm\'{e}diats de cet investissement.
Gestion du cycle de vie des bugs, des releases, processus de gestions des incidents.
\ifenglish \def\DeveloperRole{Developer} \else \def\DeveloperRole{D\'{e}veloppeur}\fi
{\ifenglish 4 months \else 4 mois\fi}{Novius}{\DeveloperRole}{}{Lyon}
Analyse fonctionnelle, conception et r\'{e}alisation d'un module Vid\'{e}o (Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, ...) pour le CMS PubliNova en PHP sp\'{e}cifique.
\section{\ifenglish IT Skills \else COMP\'{E}TENCES INFORMATIQUE\fi}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
%\ifenglish anglais \else francais \fi
\ifenglish Planning \else Planification \fi & Clarity \& OpenWorkbench, Capacity Planning (Clarity \& Excel)\\
OS & Windows \& Windows Server, UNIX/\textbf{Linux} (Debian-Ubuntu/Red-Hat), VxWorks.\\
\ifenglish Languages \else Langages \fi & \textbf{C/C++, JAVA, SQL, XML, PHP} , Shell, Assembleur, Pascal, Oracle, Delphi\\
\ifenglish Networks \else R\'{e}seaux \fi & Bases Techniques pour les R\'{e}seaux, \textbf{Architectures} R\'{e}seaux, Internet, ISO, R\'{e}seaux Locaux\\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{M\'{e}thodes de Conception : \textbf{MERISE}, Approche Objet (\textbf{UML})}\\
Outils & MATLAB, Maple, ScyLab, Knime, SVN, git\\
\ifenglish Others \else Divers \fi & \ifenglish Video-Protection over IP, JIRA \& Confluence. \else Mise en place de SI, Video-Surveillance, JIRA \& Confluence. \fi\\