
These NAS have either a Marvell Armada 370 or a Marvell Armada XP who both are armv7l.

The bootstrap tutorial can be found here and is repeated on this wiki.

Tutorial for armv7l

  • Create optware root directory
mkdir /volume1/@optware
mkdir /opt
mount -o bind /volume1/@optware /opt
  • Setup ipkg
ipk_name=`wget -qO- $feed/Packages | awk '/^Filename: ipkg-opt/ {print $2}'`
wget $feed/$ipk_name
tar -xOvzf $ipk_name ./data.tar.gz | tar -C / -xzvf -
mkdir -p /opt/etc/ipkg
echo "src cross $feed" > /opt/etc/ipkg/feeds.conf
  • Set PATH

Add the following line to /etc/profile

  • Create init scripts

The following steps will allow to automatically bind the /volume1/@optware directory to /opt and trigger the /opt/etc/init.d/* scripts. Create the /etc/rc.local file (chmod 755) and insert:

# Optware setup
[ -x /etc/rc.optware ] && /etc/rc.optware start

Create the /etc/rc.optware file (chmod 755) and insert:

#! /bin/sh
if test -z "${REAL_OPT_DIR}"; then
# next line to be replaced according to OPTWARE_TARGET
case "$1" in
        echo "Starting Optware."
        if test -n "${REAL_OPT_DIR}"; then
            if ! grep ' /opt ' /proc/mounts >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
                mkdir -p /opt
                mount -o bind ${REAL_OPT_DIR} /opt
    [ -x /opt/etc/rc.optware ] && /opt/etc/rc.optware
        echo "Shutting down Optware."
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|reconfig}"
        exit 1
exit 0

This device has an Intel Atom CE5335 i686 CPU.

Tutorial for Intel Atom

We are using the bootstrap as explained here for Intel Atop CPU's :

  1. Reboot your NAS.
  2. Enable and then Login to the Command Line Interface as user “root”, password is the same as for admin.
  3. Change to a directory such as “/volume1/@tmp”, i.e. enter the command “cd /volume1/@tmp”
  4. Get the NAS to download the bootstrap : enter the command

    , alternatively download the bootstrap to your PC and then copy it to a shared folder on the NAS

  5. Set the .xsh script to be executable
    chmod +x **syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh**
  6. Now run the .xsh script : enter the command <code>sh syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh</code>
  7. After the script has finished you can delete the script file : <code>rm syno-i686-bootstrap_1.2-7_i686.xsh</code>
  8. NEW: If you have DSM 4.0 there is an additional step. In the file /root/.profile you need to comment out (put a # before) the lines PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/syno/sbin:/usr/syno/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin and export PATH. To do this enter the command vi /root/.profile to open the file in vi. Now change vi to edit mode by pressing the “i” key on your keyboard. Use the down cursor key to move the cursor to the start of the line “PATH=/sbin…” and put a “#” infront of this line so it is now “#PATH=/sbin…”. Do the same for the line below so it is now “#export PATH”. Now press the escape key (to exit edit mode) and type “ZZ” (note they are capitals) to tell vi to save the file and exit. For background info on why this is neccessary for DSM 4 refer to (Alternatively, you can modify the PATH statement by prepending the existing $PATH. You can do this in vi by typing the following while in command mode: “:%s/PATH=/PATH=$PATH:/” and then “ZZ” to save and exit (or ESC and then“:q!” to quit without saving if you made a mistake.))
  9. Note 1: If you have the following error: “Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for wget-ssl: libidn”, you need to manually download libidn and install with ipkg: Eg. for Synology DS108j: “wget” (wget should be already present on the system) and enter the command “ipkg install libidn_1.21-1_powerpc.ipk”. Run the ipkg bootstrap process again (press yes when it asks to overwrite config file). For a procedure to install ipk packages without ipkg, see
  10. Note 2: When you have an error that /opt cannot be mount, unmount the previous mount (“umount -f /opt” check with command “mount”) and delete both old /opt and /volume1/opt folders.
  11. Reboot the NAS and login again to the Command Line Interface as user “root”
  12. Update the ipkg list of available packages using the command “ipkg update”
  13. Note 1: When “ipkg update” fails, it can be that the older existing wget is used. Ensure that the right paths are selected in classpath with “$PATH”, if not: “export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin”. Install wget manually: for Synology DS108j: “wget” and “ipkg install wget_1.12-2_powerpc.ipk”. Check version with “/opt/bin/wget -V”. Check location with “which wget”.
  14. Upgrade any ipkg installed packages to the latest versions using the command “ipkg upgrade”
  15. Finished, you can now install ipkg packages using the command “ipkg install xxxx” where xxxx is the name of the package. You can list all the available packages using the command “ipkg list”. As this is a long list you can filter it using the command “ipkg list | grep xxxx” where xxxx is the text you want to search for. Alternatively, you view one page at a time using the “more” pipe, e.g. “ipkg list | more” 
  • synology/bootstrap.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2018-Sep-18 22:39
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